November 12, 2011

"I'm a baby, That's how I roll...normally"

"Molly, did you poop"
"Maybe, maybe no. It's my secret that I will never tell, so you will never know"
"I could just change your diaper ad find out"
"Oh, you got me there. Foiled again. I'm like a baby foil"

This is just one of many "conversations" I have with my three month old baby daily. She loves is when I talk to her, but honestly I run out of material. There is only so many times you can tell a baby she is cute in one day. Especially when you have a potentially dangerous and jealous toddler listening in.

When I do this, sometimes I feel like a crazy person. I have been feeling crazy a lot lately, and sometimes I wonder if all mom's are like this. Or if it is just the strange mom's. Or the mom's with deployed spouses.

 Once again, I find myself questioning just what IS "normal" anyways? For most people, its a pretty straightforward answer... or at least I think it is. I guess that's the point.
"Most people" for me is kind of an abstract idea (is it for most people?). My best friends are not exactly "most people" or normal or average in any way. That's why I love them.
"Normal people worry me." -MySister.
Ya, I think that about sums her up, and most of the people I associate with.  So what is "normal?" I will probably never know, but one thing is for sure.  I will never be!

...that's great and all, but what do YOU think?
What is normal to you?
Do you consider yourself normal or average?

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