October 24, 2011

Men's guide to awesome sex

Theres is a simple one-two process to having more sex and better sex! SEX SEX SEX! Do I have your attention yet? 

Here it is, married folk

Guys, do things for your women, and they will do things for you. 
simple enough
(when I say "do things" here is what I mean)

WOMEN: "do things" means have sex with the man...etcetera etcetera etcetera!

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... you know you like it

MEN: "Do things" means, put effort into making your wife happy. It is different what works better or worse for different women. The good news is, no effort is wasted. We remember every sex scoring thing you do! And we count it. Sending her flowers at work may be worth ten points to one woman and only one points to another. Alternately one woman might be inclined to sleep with you when you have earned a single point, while anothermight wait till you get up to five points to have super duper sexy sex. Aren't you just dying to know what combinations get you the best most often sex? Don't wait! Start trying stuff out! Here are some sexy ideas.

Clean up the kitchen for her: you need a clean surface to have kitchen sex, you know. 

Stick a note inside her briefcase: nothing turns on a woman more than legible handwritting 

Stick a note into the dishwasher, you so sexily just unloaded for her. 

Cook her a Dinner: pass the sex please...oh.. excuse me. I meant to say blow job. 

Send her a sweet email or text: sexy ones work too

Make her something:  sex can be made 

Give her an extra long kiss when you leave for work: what will happen when you get back? I don't know, we shall see.  

Plan a date night: a sexirific one. 

Do something that only she enjoys: mmmmm knitting

Give her a massage: watch "that feels nice" turn into "**CENSORED**" 

Extra credit: anything that HER friends or YOUR friends witness gets you points every time she talks to her friends about it/you. Her talking to her friends equals sex for you? yup! Common dummy, get in on this sexy action. 
Extra EXTRA credit: when planning something, tell her in advance you get points when you tell her, when you take her and when she tells her friends. double the sex, or double the awesome? you will find out. 

Really it isn't hard. Any bit of effort, even failed effort, will get you points. 
Disclaimer: If this does not work, do not blame me. It is not my fault your wife has no soul. 

That's good and all, but what do YOU think?
Ladies, do you respond with sex with any of the examples? What seemingly mundane thing gets the most "sexpoints" for you?
Guys, what has worked for you in the past? Any super sexy ideas? (keep it PG-13 please)

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