October 13, 2011

Cloth Diapers verdict

After a month of using the new diapes, I feel like I have a reasonably knowledgeable conclusion about them. I love them! For a few reasons...

  • They hold a lot! The only issue I have noticed with leakage is that when Molly is sleeping on her side at night, she will start to leak pee-pee if I don't give her a change half way through the night. Other than that, no problems as far as holding it's contents.
  • They are easy to use. They work just like a disposable diaper. No inserts or covers to worry about. Just stick it on her booty, snap it around her waist and check to make sure it fits correctly around her legs. After it is soiled, I open the snaps, wipe her booty with a cloth wipe and roll them up and throw them in our wet-bag that is hanging on the side of the changing table. (Pictured above.... Isn't it pretty?) Then every other day, we take the whole bag and throw it in the washer...we take the diapers out first. I set the washer on "sanitary"which uses very hot water and an extra rinse cycle. Then we throw them in the drier and they are ready to fold back up and put upstairs.
  • They are still cute. We got plenty of colors. 
  • Molly seems to like them. i.e. no diaper rash and no nighttime diaper changes
  • I never worry about running out to the store for diapers (or the dog chewing them up and leaving me with a huge mess)

When she starts eating solids, I will have to spray them off before putting them in the wet-bag, but since she is breast-fed, there is no need yet. The diapers come out sanitized and ready for use, but sometimes they remain a bit stained on the inside. I don't mind so much if the INSIDE of the diaper isn't crisp white. But I have heard that if you lay the diaper out in the sun, the yellow tint goes away pretty magically. I haven't tried it, but I that is what I have heard. The washing doesn't phase me in the slighest. I do at least one load of laundry everyday. On the diaper days, I just throw them in after my first load. It's so easy, we are doing cloth wipes too!

The only negative so far is that they are harder to carry in a diaperbag. I used to cram 5-6 diapers in my bag. Now its a stretch to get two cloth diapers in there. It hasn't been a big deal so far, but I do have to keep track of the contents of my diaper bag a lot more than I used to. For on-the-go changes, I just keep a smaller wet-bag in my diaper bag and stick the dirty one in there to take back home and wash. It's not incovienant in the slightest... unless you count the ladies who crowd around to ask questions and observe how I cloth diaper Molly. I get why people gawk. The diapers are pretty nifty, and definitely way different and easier than the older kind.
My mom is pretty shocked that I am still using them. She thought I would give up in a week because they would be "soo hard!" Imagine her shock when I told her that they are comparable to disposables as far as difficulty and time consumption.

What do you think?
Have you ever wanted to try cloth diapers?
What stopped you, or made you take the leap?
Are you happy with your decision?

UPDATE: We did our first road trip with the cloth diapes. It was a success. It was only a three day trip, so I just took the clean diapers and the wet-bag, did my normal thing and washed them when we got home. Easy peasy.

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