October 24, 2011

Team Edward vs Team Jacob in the Church!

Growing up in the church, and subscribing to the christian religion very strongly for years, I feel like I have a pretty good idea of what the church is all about, and what they believe. Afterall, I used to be a "they".
It is ironic that I still see christians as "they" because the most damaging and hurtful thing about the religion is the mentality of "us vs them". I can't tell you how many times I have heard a pastor proclaim that there are two types of people in the world. Followers of Christ and Followers of Satan. There is no room for anything else. I don't particularly care for this bit of theology, because it implies that people like the Dalai Lama are buddies with satan and doing evil in the world.  Apart from that, I don't think the "us vs them" mentality has ever proved to be a good thing. Think Holocaust,  Civil rights, the Crusades, Team Edward and Team Jacob. *bah! twilight reference!

The thing about the religion, is that is isn't even so bad if it is practiced the way that it was meant to be. It's actually pretty amazing. Loving the sinners, befriending the prostitutes, murderers and adulterers. Being so genuinely kind and loving that others can't help but to be drawn to you and your ideals... it sounds pretty good. And that's how most christians see themselves regardless of how they actually act. They see themselves as a member of this fantastic utopian league of exceptionally nice and giving people. Think again.

Okay, Okay, I know. "Not me!" "I know a Christian who..."

Look, I know not everyone is like that. I know there are so amazing wonderful people who are Christians.  Unfortunately I have run into a good.... over a thousand "christians" and only a handful of loving caring "Christ-like" individuals. No matter which way you slice it, there is something wrong with that.
UPDATE: The ladies I have met that attend church at Knox are not like this at all. Maybe the army life has something to do with it?

...That's great and all, but what do YOU think?
Have you met people who were religious but anything but christlike? 
Why do you think Army Christians are different? 
Is the Dalai Lama going to hell?

*note about the Author- I used to be a total "Twi-hard". I read the books a ridiculous number of times and had all my favorite chapters highlighted and marked up. Until it became some tween crappy movie fanatic thing.

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