October 1, 2011

LOL at normal people!

My husband and I have been together on and off since we were 16. We went to different schools, both had jobs and our parents didn't approve. If we got to see each other once a week, it was exciting. That was when we lived in the same town. A year later he moved three hours away. That would have been bad enough if he wasn't also going to a school which forbid him from contacting girls from back home.... that ment me.

The day we got engaged. (Yes, I was already severely pregnant) 

I saw him twice that year. Not for more than an hour or two. I was connected to him through a few forbidden texts back and forth every few days. When he finally quit that school and moved back home, things weren't much better. So much so, that he didn't see the harm in moving three hours away again! Yet another year of rare visits, but at least we could call.... are you noticing a pattern. This type of relationship went on all the way until we got married (which happened during the two days in between his basic training and AIT)

Even when we moved in together in our first house, he was so exhausted after he got home from his physically demanding days starting at 5am, that he was pretty much asleep as soon as dinner was finished.  It wasn't until the middle of our second year of marriage that we actually could spend time together.
I never relish time away from him, but I have gotten so used to the away time, that after a few months of lots of time together I started to wonder when he was going to be leaving again. I hope that doesn't sound cold. I think its a case of "absence makes the heart grow fonder". I love my husband with all my heart, and I would rather have him here at home where he belongs, but him being away gives me times to appreciate how much he means to me, and how much easier he makes my life. It makes the little things seem so insignificant and it makes us want to FIX the big things instead of shoving it under the rug. It works for us I suppose.
But I can't help but chuckle when I hear other couples lament over spending one.. maybe two weeks apart.  I have actually laughed out loud about it before. And I think people usually realize how silly it sounds to me, even if I manage to keep a straight face,  (after the words have already left their lips). They do one of those embarrassed and sorry pressing their lips together things.
 I understand that the feeling of dread when a separation is upcoming is "normal" for people. But maybe it shouldn't be.

Or maybe my relationship with my husband is just THAT strange. Who knows. It works for us. Different things work for other people. But I still can't help but LOL.

What do you think?
Does absence make the heart fonder?
What are the advantages, drawbacks?
What is your experience with separation?

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