October 1, 2011

Sleeping babies

Molly will be two months old tomorrow and so far she has not slept in her own crib. This needs to change soon. I know of two methods to get babies to go to sleep, but I'm torn between the two. The cry it out method worked well for Emma, but for some reason, I have my reservations about using the same method with Molly. Maybe it is because every time Molly make a peep Emma says "OHHH NOOO!!!! MLANI!!! MLANI CRYYYING!!!!!" Or maybe I am noticing the difference between the two girls, or maybe I have just gotten used to Emma crying only when she really needs something or is scared.

But whatever the reason, I don't feel as capable of doing the standard, 3min, 5min, 10min, 15min, 20min thing with Molly. It seems kind of...mean this time around. But at the same time, I don't want Molly to not learn how to self-soothe. I don't have to have to rock her to sleep and hold her hand every night. I want her to be a good sleeper, like Emma was and still is. The thing is, I know the reason Emma was such a good sleeper, is because I stuck to the cry it out method so well.  I could tell the difference between her cries and would only respond if I could tell she really was hungry, or uncomfortable or scared. When she was crying because she just didn't want to go to sleep, I tuned it out. And she was a still is the BEST sleeper. She went down easy, stayed down until she was hungry and woke up happy in the AM.

I researched the "no cry" method a bit. It seems like a lot of work. Although I guess it would be worth it if it worked. Trouble is, I don't know if it will work. Especially for the long run.  The only parents I know that couldn't stand to hear their daughter cry, have had trouble putting her to bed ever since she was a baby. She is almost the same age as Emma and it is still a three hour affair for them to get her to bed and stay in bed. I guess the "no cry" method didn't really work for them so well.

After writing this, I guess its a no-brainer which method I have more trust in, and which I think will be best in the long run... Maybe by the time Molly is actually ready for sleep training it will be easier to tell her cries apart and it wont be so heart wrenching to hear her cry. Jacob should be home by then too so maybe that will make it easier.

What do you think?
If you are a parent, what sleep technique did you use with your child?
If you are a parent in training, what technique do you think you WOULD use? 

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