October 28, 2011


I have a few concoctions that I use frequently that I love. They save me money work well, and are green!

I can hear you all shouting "tell me more, tell me more!"Well hold on. First things first. We are going to meet my best friend in the homemade cleaning world. Here they are.

These are Essencial oils. Why do I love them? Well because, they fit the "natural" criteria, you can put them in just about anything, and they smell fabulous. A few of them have wonderful properties as well. Tea tree oil in particular is extremely versatile. I use it in my diaper wipes solution. I will go over them some more in future posts, but for now, I wanna give you guys my secret recipes.... which are not secret at all since Im posting them all over the internet, but.. oh well

All purpose cleaner (works on glass too)
2 cups water
1/4 tsp dish soap
3-4 tablespoons vinegar 
3 drops your choice essential oil

Air freshener
1 cup water
8-10 drops essential oil
**add 2 tsp baking soda to make a febreeze

Dryer sheets
1 clean washcloth
soak 2 square inches of the cloth with vinegar and add a drop or two of essential oil if desired. 

Kitchen cleaner and disinfecter
2 cups water
1 tsp dish soap
2 TBS peroxide
2 drops Essential oil 
(Keep this in a bottle that doesn't let light in or the peroxide will break down and won't work)

dishwasher rinse
Just pour vinegar into the dispenser

Diaper wipe solution
2 cups hot water
2TBS baby soap or shampoo
2TBS oil (I just use regular olive oil)
4 drops each lavender and tea tree oil
2TBS aloe vera gel

Weed killer 

insect deterrent
(Spray it around any possible entrance point to your house in the early spring and follow up every few months) 

This is all I can think of off the top of my head for now. Enjoy!

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