October 13, 2011

Yoga Booty

I feel like I'm bugging my friends about all my yoga stuff, so I'm now going to bug the most awesome bloggers in the world about it....hint: you can skip this if you aren't interested. Thats the beauty of it.

I've been doing yoga for about 3 years now. I would love to say those years are consecutive, but really its more like 6 months, 2 months, 4 months, now. I loved yoga, and I knew it made me feel better, but I never had much direction in my practice. I just found a teacher or video and did whatever I felt like that day.
Now I am doing a different kind of yoga. It's called Astanga. For those of you wondering there are tons of different kinds of yoga. They all would seem pretty similar to most people looking in, but to yogis, the differences are obvious and extreme. I wouldn't call myself a yogi, but I can definitely tell that this new Astanga thing is way different and full of awesome. It is the most ancient form of yoga that we know of and it is very disicplined. It needs to be practiced 6 times a week (not on monday for some reason?) and is pretty seemingly simple at first. The poses that I was in during my firs session were so simple, I thought "this is for beginners, I can do way better stuff than this!".... ha... the next morning I woke up with fire in every muscle of my body. FIRE! The next time I practiced it was harder. And then i learned that there are "bandhas" you are supposed to be engaging (kinda like keigels and stomach tightening) in conjunction with the special yoga breathing, while maintaining your poses, calm mind, relaxed muscles and flowing graceful movements...... I have some practicing to do.
But for now, I am very sore, and energized. Oww.

... that's good and all, but what do YOU think?
Have you ever wanted to try yoga?
What is the most appealing part of it to you?
What is your favorite exercise? 

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