July 11, 2011

FLYing While Eight Months Pregnant.

Today is Monday, which means it was "home blessing hour" this AM. Basically what that means is you take six tasks and set a timer for 10 mins and do each of those things as fast as you can for 10 mins. When you are done, the house is shiny, de-cluttered, and free of fingerprints. I love Mondays because of this... but last night I never got around to doing my nightly routine, so when I woke up (2 hrs later than normal) there was still mess all over the floor. The dishes hadn't been done and I was behind on laundry.

I skipped home blessing hour because of this --It's hard to sweep and mop your floors as fast as you can for 10 mins when there is junk everywhere--  and I didn't kick myself for it. I did a few things on my to-do list, and got the house tidy today. Really, when I think about it, I didn't do that much stuff, but I feel so accomplished and proud of myself. I have all the dishes done, laundry started, kitchen wiped down, de-cluttered a few of my cabinets, and got out things to make tomorrow AM easier.  The coffee and water is already measured out and ready to brew. The table is set for breakfast, and my clothes are laid out.... I just feel so prepared and ready for tomorrow. And I feel like I'm allowed to finally make those maintenance appointments because the house is not even slightly embarrassing. Hopefully, I will have doors that lock, and ice-maker that runs, and lights that turn on when this weeks is through!

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