July 9, 2011

Weight gain!

AHH! I have gained more weight in two weeks, than I have during the whole time I have been pregnant! Those two weeks, I was on vacation in Florida visiting my family. My hometown has many wonderful cuisine options, and I had lots and lots of stress... so... this is the result. Not that I LOOK like I gained weight or anything... I actually thought I might have lost some! But my doc is concerned, so back on the Paleolithic diet I go. The diet is basically all about eating what our bodies are programed and conditioned to eat. I.E. caveman food.
No bread or grain of any type, also sugar is EXTREMELY limited. I reach my max by putting stevia in my coffee in the AM.
It's lots and lots of fruit, veggies, nuts, and fatty meat. I wasn't on it long enough to notice much difference in body mass, but I know I feel wonderful when I'm on that diet, and the only reason I stopped was because of "pregnancy urges" which basically was just another way of saying "I want pizza!" So we will see I suppose. If nothing else, I know this diet makes me feel satisfied and full all day so I don't snack almost at all.

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