December 27, 2011

Pretty little tricks

My husband is coming home soon! Hooray!.....Oh crap! I spent the last month eating greasy salty foods and more desserts than I care to remember! I have been skipping my nightly face washing and moisturizing and even, I admit, I have gone to bed quite a bit lately without even brushing my teeth! Don't judge me! Anyways, I'm not exactly ready for my closeup. But I did find a few things that are very swiftly undoing my negligence. Secret trick #1 lemon and egg white mask It's just like it sounds lemon and egg white, on my face for 1/2 an hour twice a day. I use a cotton ball to apply first the lemon juice (fresh) and then my fingers to apply the egg white on top. The lemon juice helps to lighten dark spots or freckles, while also removing a few layers of skin to revel the new good stuff underneath. The egg white, helps tighten your pores and soothe any redness. After only two days, by blackheads have been banished, my skin is smooth, and my pores are all but invisible. Torture undone. DON'T FORGET TO MOISTURISE WELL AFTER THIS! Secret trick #2 drink my calories I am not so good at dieting lately, but for the last week I have been starting off with a protein shake in the morning, followed with a cup of coffee, a water bottle, another cup of coffee, another bottle of water, then a smoothie for lunch with lots of good antioxidants. A healthy snack, and then a measured out portion of whatever I made for dinner.its simple enough for me to follow, and since I'm stuffing my face with SOMETHING all day, I don't feel like I'm starving myself. I have been loosing 1/2 lb everyday even with all the extra water weight, so it's working. Trick #3 naturally bleaching teeth Baking powder. Yup, just brush my teeth with it and a bit of water everytime after I brush with my normal toothepaste. The results aren't amazing, but it's definitely working, and it's not causing my teeth to be unbearable sensitive, like they are after I use whiteners from the store. Tick #4 putting Yoga poses into my day I don't have time to do a full hour of yoga. But I DO have thirty seconds to hold a supper glute burning Yoga pose. I wasn't really expecting results, but golly gee, you should see my tush! Okay...well maybe not, but it's working anyways. I just keep looking for oportunities to get a bit of a burn, and am noticing there are plenty of opportunities. Do a squat everytime I pick up a toy. Skip a step when I go upstairs, use my stomach and back to hold myself upright all day instead of hunching. I know it sounds stupid, but if anyone else has minimum time to udo a lot of damage, This stuff is working for me. I was crying when I thought about all the stuff I needed to do to get in shape and confident for when hubby gets ome. Not even a week later I feel sexy. Anyways I'm giving up valuable Ab working time. Adios. Hope this helped someone.

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