About Me

I am stay at home Mom and Army wife doing the best I can to take care of my family stay sane and learn new skills.... one of those skills being blogging since I'm new to this whole ordeal. This is me... well half of me anyways. Hello Myspace.
yes, i am a ginger, and yes that is a lip ring. 

Emma loves taking silly pictures. Im sure you can't tell.

So far, this blog has no real direction. I have so many hobbies and passions that I can't pick just ONE to write a blog about. So for now, ya'll get to sort through my thoughts, projects, musings, rants, and successes. The following pictures are ones that I feel explain my family and life. If you are looking for a particular subject, use the search box, or click on the labels at the end of a post to see other similar ones.

I write about, family, marriage, relationship, green living, baby, home, projects, recipes, yoga and health.

Below are a collection of pictures that I feel describe my family, and life better than I can with words alone.

We love cooking, especially with fresh ingredients.

We love to garden

if something can be done naturally, we are all over it. 

A family who walks together stays together

Fact: I was a giraffe in a past life. 

I love the girl!

And now i have two girls, i love!

we never ever forget about "the guys"

We recently took a whole bunch of pictures at home.... so here are a few. I know. You are so excited. I can tell.

...that's great and all, but what do YOU think? 
If there is anything I am leaving out, feel free to ask.